Wednesday 15th May 2024

Pack The Backpack: Miss Off

Pack the Backpack, presented by Central Office Supply, a division of Minuteman and Kix 101.1! Each month during the school year, we will be awarding $101 to a Kix Country classroom to help out with supplies. We will award the prize on the last Wednesday of the month. You can listen to each new winner at 8:30a on the Morning Kix Start.

Our latest winner is Miss Off – 4th grade teacher at Rock Run Elementary School. Nominated by Summer Steelman


She’s kind, loving, caring and makes learning fun but still teaching us very well. If you need help with anything she will be there in an instant unless she is helping another student. She tore her ACL playing basketball with her students and over the summer she had surgery. School started, she has not taken a day off even though she is physically in pain and she will not let that stop the education of her students. That shows what limits she takes to show her students that she cares.

She has a store with cool stuff and fake money that we earn. Everything that is in that store she bought with her own money. So basically, her idea with the store is so that kids know how to save and how to spend money in the real world. She has stuff that kids actually want to buy encouraging students to earn cash. Every Friday she opens the store and kids shop with their money. There is lots of ways you can earn money – like if you read 20 minutes a night you earn a dollar. So, in my opinion, I think she needs more stuff for her shop.

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