Thursday 18th April 2024

I know what it is like to contend with an unpredictable cat. We have one and I learned the hard way how to read a cat. I am by no means a Jackson Galaxy(he is the Cat Daddy, written books and hosts My Cat from hell on Animal Planet) but I know some cats can get over stimulated by being petted and if you don’t know the signs you will pay. My son, just the other day, was petting my daughter’s cat. The cat was purring and then my son got bit! Normally you would think purring is a good thing – we have another cat who purrs constantly – but sometimes a purr is not a sign of contentment. Another sign is the tail. If the tail looks more like a whip…watch out and especially if there is growling along with that!! Those were the signs that I did not know about years ago.

I am thankful that I was given a another chance be a cat guardian. Luna came into our lives in 2010 when my daughter heard a cat meow. There she was on our deck – maybe 6 months old and skinny. We gave her food and water and to make a long story short she never left! I am so glad she is a part of our family. She is a sweetheart and has totally restored my love of cats. She is a laid back black – so laid back that my son will stroke her to de-stress. It’s like she knows he needs her. She has the softest fur and it’s so shiny and she is a long way from skinny these days!

The cat pictured is our sweetheart Luna.

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