Saturday 20th April 2024


Is It Xavior?

Investigators say the remains of a body found in a harvested field near Montezuma may be Xavior Harrleson. D-C-I  assistant director Mitch Mortvedt says...

Senior Citizens Center Ready

Seniors in the Marshalltown area will once again have a place to gather starting on Monday. The new Marshalltown Senior Citizens Center at 207...

So, Why The Spread?

Dan Diekema is an infectious disease specialist at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. He says the spread is largely driven by virus...

Genius Grant Announced

An Iowa State University professor is joining the ranks of 25 people who’re getting a prestigious MacArthur Fellowship or so-called “genius grant” this year....

Ernst Questions Afghan Strategy

Iowa Republican Joni Ernst is among the U.S. Senators who raised questions during a hearing about the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. She quizzed General...

Pfizer Booster Clinic Scheduled

McFarland Clinic has announced a Pfizer boost clinic on Thursday at the Marshalltown Southside location from 8:00 am until noon. If it has been...